We out here for the long run!

Last week I listened to an episode of Death Sex and Money podcast where they talked to reproductive justice activist Laurie Bertram Roberts about everything happening with Roe V. Wade and she said something I really needed to hear.

She said that the liberal north sweeps in early when something is front of mind and donates and then falls all the way off. See, I always thought, my dollars didn’t matter. It won’t make a difference because so many are donating but she reminded me why each month, until further notice Sage Gawd Collective will be doing a First (or Second depending on schedule) class for Abortion rights groups in either Chicago, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia or Louisiana. The money is needed, the work will continue, and there will be so many who need services and access these states are near in dear to me as these are the states where my family migrated from.

I might not get $1,000.00 each month in donations but whatever we get… we will give and stay rooted in SMALL IS ALL and do what we can.

I hope you will join me this month or one month and continue this fight.

To register for this class