Sage Gawd Collective 2.0 is on the horizon + I am excited!

Hey Friends!

Honestly, my excitement just doesn’t come through in my words like I want it to, and for this, I want you to see my excitement! If you have 4 minutes and 11 seconds, tune in, and if you don’t… here are a few Cliffs notes.

  • I’ll be announcing my next thing on Thursday, and I am so excited!

  • I had to go back and remember a few things to get here, and I am glad I did

  • If you have never experienced Sage Gawd Collective, I have a $5 holla class on Sunday! Come in your PJs with your coffee and flow. See below to sign up.

Lastly, I am super grateful to you all for rocking with me since 2020 and before. I truly am.